Sunday, September 16, 2012

Education For The Poor

Can you tell me what do you  feel , when you meet a little boy on the street. They try to make living by selling newspaper to people. So how could their parents, do nothing for thir children? It's time to go to school? Having enough to eat is no guarantee that a child will become free from poverty. In fact, if educational opportunities are not available, the long-term consequences of an under-nourished mind can be severe and virtually ensure that as an adult, they will live in abject poverty. Of all of the things we can do to help the world’s poor, providing an education is amongst the most important because it transforms not only a child, but their community as well. And the positive transformation continues for generations to come!

1 comment:

  1. Srie... I invite you to join a blogger community. Please join, yeah?!
