Monday, September 24, 2012

Miyabi On Student Worksheet

In East Java, some parents have asked the school to withdraw the LKS book. Because, it will ruin the morality of student. Why?! Is there anything wrong? There's one picture on the book that finally made Education Indonesian Minister give strong demand to make investigation. It is Miyabi picture on the worksheet student. In April, “adult” content was also found in a worksheet distributed among elementary students in Jakarta. The worksheet mentioned “the mistress” and drew criticism among parents. The content was revealed after an 8-year-old student asked her mother “what is a mistress?” The mistress story was founded in the subject of “Jakarta’s Culture and Environment”. Ibnu Hamad, spokesman for the Education and Culture Ministry, cites the distribution of such books as “the education agency's failure”. “The Ministerial Regulation No. 2/2008 on text books says that the supervision of books is under the control of the ministry,” “However, student worksheets are controlled by the local education agency,” he added.

Friday, September 21, 2012

The Poor is prohibited to go to school

In Indonesia, there is a saying; the poor prohibited to go school. Undoubtedly, this is a fact. The problem is that the school fees is very high. Poor people can not easily learn in formal schools, especially universities, both public and private. A nation built on the foundation of a good education will make the nation a nation is superior and has a very bright future. History has recorded how the National Education Mr. Ki Hajar Dewantara continue to struggle through education in the Netherlands repel invaders. Ki Hajar Dewantara had a dream, a time when the nation is smart it will remove from the Indonesian occupation. A glorious dream of Hajar Dewantara should be realized by all components of the nation, especially the government. This nation must open the widest possible access for the poor to get education as a long term investment. Education for the poor is our secured loans.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

We Need Help

We are just a blogger community.But we do care with  the abandoned children and help them to get their better future. W have  Our Vision to help orphans children in our country. Our objectives  is to provide shelter, school supplies, materials for recreation and others. We still not yet do a big thing, but we have made a difference.
We have been providing love and attention to the poor children surrounding us, as well as education, food.  We need your help. Anything is welcome: clothes, school supplies, food, your time or kind words, etc. They'll be much appreciated.

All funds raised (donations) are given to the children of the streets, the orphanages and the Elementary School in Indonesia.

Education For The Poor

Can you tell me what do you  feel , when you meet a little boy on the street. They try to make living by selling newspaper to people. So how could their parents, do nothing for thir children? It's time to go to school? Having enough to eat is no guarantee that a child will become free from poverty. In fact, if educational opportunities are not available, the long-term consequences of an under-nourished mind can be severe and virtually ensure that as an adult, they will live in abject poverty. Of all of the things we can do to help the world’s poor, providing an education is amongst the most important because it transforms not only a child, but their community as well. And the positive transformation continues for generations to come!